Webb-Deiss Research
Thanks to all of you have helped make Webb Deiss Research a success. We are changing names to Soldiersource, and will soon be relocating to our new site at www.soldiersource.com and re-orienting services to provide only military history related research. This will allow us to concentrate our talents where they best usedin the field of military history. We have specialized in this service for some time and feel it is the best way to offer the public detailed and affordable research. In the meantime Webb Deiss Research continues to offer the same array of services.
www.soldiersource.com »
The Christopher Webb Family of Devonshire, England & Braintree, Massachusetts Bay
My personal resarch journal on the family of Christopher Webb who emigrated from Devonshire, England to Briantree in the Massachusetts Bay Colony about 1640. The research documents multiple lines to 2003, and is known for its well documented and independent style. It contains my extensively documented original research on Christopher Webb of Braintree (1630-1694), one of the first bar-qualified Attornies in colonial America. My research helped legitimize the Revolutionary War service of a previously un-recognized Patriot, Dariuis Webb of Hampshire County, Massachusetts (1762-1828). He has been recently accepted as a Patriot on the rolls of the Sons of the American Revolution (2005) and the Daughters of the American Revolution (2007) based solely on my original findings. COMING SOON - Contact me to perform research on this surname.
The Deiss, Deis, Deise, Deiß, Deisz, Dies, Dieß, Dyce, Teis, Theis:
The Deiss Family Genealogy Forum and a link to my personal research journal on the Deiss family of St. Louis, Missouri and the related & collateral lines. The research documents multiple lines of my family that lived in St. Louis, Missouri for over 135 years. I also have data on other Deiss and related families across the United States. COMING SOON - Contact me to perform research on this surname.
Southampton Beach Shipwreck project: I assisted Canadian underwater archaeologist Ken Cassavoy identify the Brig Hunter, cast away on the shore of Lake Huron in August 1816, by tracking down records at the National Archives in Washington, DC.
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Deadwood!: From 2002 to 2004 I assisted the Art Coordinator of HBO's Deadwood by providing scanned images of the historical South Dakota mining town and providing data on historical characters involved in the Pioneer Ditch.